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RPCHO has a strong partnership with Rwanda Ministry of Health through Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) especially the Non Communicable Disease division which has supported our activities and provided guidance and advice in this noble responsibility of supporting patients with life-limiting illness at the last stage of their lives.

  • RPCHO is working from the beginning with Hospice Without Border an US NGO devoted to palliative care which give financial and technical support especially for Home Based Care activities
  • Roros Foundation is also funding the Mobile Unit activities and the institutional capacity of hospitals for the integration and management of palliative care.
  • Hospitals in Kigali and upcountry that day after day are integrating palliative care multidisciplinary team in the healthcare system, RPCHO is proud to participate through its expert’s in capacity building of these teams.
  • College of Medicine and Nursing Schools through Culicula development with integration of palliative care by participation of RPCHO expert, but also RPCHO is working closely with College of Medicine by facilitating student field home based palliative care visit..

Contact Us

Rwanda,Kigali city


Phone 1: +250 788 30 27 55

Phone 2: +250 781 57 53 71